Before completing this application form, you should have read the 2024-25 RADF Guidelines
This application form is for the Launch Pad Young Creatives Small Arts Grants only.
- The Launch Pad grants provides an opportunity for emerging artists and producers aged 16-25 years to access a wide range of resources to support their arts practice.
- A young creative applying for this grant needs to demonstrate an engagement in the Scenic Rim's cultural or creative industries.
- It is a rolling fund starting from September 2023 until $5,000 in funding is exhausted.
Assistance is available to young creatives for a wide range of support including but not limited to:
- Art materials for concept development or to produce a body of work
- Publications, texts or journal subscriptions
- Travel to workshops, mentorships or work experience in a creative field
- Mentorships with professional arts or cultural workers
- Specific equipment required for an arts practice
- Printing of promotional material for an arts practice or event
- Workshops, courses or professional advice
- Folio development and production
- Software critical to an arts practice.
This section of the application form is designed to help you, and us, understand if you are eligible for this grant. It's crucial that you complete this question before any others to ensure you are eligible for this grant.
If you have any questions regarding the eligibility criteria or to find out what funds are still available, please contact Mark Paddick, E: or P: (07) 5540 5351